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According to statistics from the CDC, around 70 million people – 1 in 3 Americans – suffer from high blood pressure. Half of these individuals have their blood pressure under control, probably with some form of blood pressure medication. [1] Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can be a silent yet deadly disease, one that doesn’t necessarily need to be managed by medication. While there are some rare hereditary conditions that make it impossible to control blood sugar with just exercise and diet, most people have the ability to use dietary […]

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Soda is hugely popular and many people are addicted to its sweet taste and fizzy texture. It's a big source of calories from refined sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup. Diet sodas, which have artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, are said to lessen the health effects of regular soda but research has shown that's not the case. [1] Diet sodas, typically sweetened with aspartame, are linked to increased obesity and other concerns. Now, to avoid that negative spotlight, Pepsi has announced they'll replace aspartame with sucralose (Splenda), […]

With all the talk about probiotics, you’ve probably – at one point or another – considered supplementing. The idea of consuming bacteria, however, may seem a bit alien to most people, simply because they’ve been brainwashed to believe all bacteria is bad. The praising of antibiotics and antibacterials in mainstream culture has simply perpetuated this myth. Probiotics, on the other hand, are symbiotic organisms that help you digest food, stimulate your immune system (thus helping fight infections!), and even produces some of the vitamins you need for life. (more…)

Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and other evidence shows fluoride is even a neurotoxin. Unfortunately, it’s still used in many dental products to this day, and the potential health concerns are unavoidable. Fortunately, when it comes to oral health, there are several fluoride-free alternatives. (more…)

Are probiotics really that good for you? Is yogurt the best source of probiotics? I regularly hear these and many other questions about probiotics. Probiotics is a straightforward subject, but confusion persists regarding these beneficial microbes. The fact that there are so many different probiotic species, and their many strains, doesn’t help. Let’s start by discussing Lactobacillus gasseri, one of the beneficial microorganisms that assist with digestive health and against harmful organisms. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm