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Earth Day


The thousands of metabolic processes needed for life depend on enzymes. Enzymes are essential for digesting food, initiating cellular activity, and breaking down and removing toxins. Inadequate enzyme levels result in organ dysfunction, chronic illness, and disease. In today’s world, enzyme deficiency is becoming more commonplace. Fortunately, protecting against enzyme deficiency is simple. Here are 7 facts you need to know about these two essential front-line enzymes. (more…)

Xylanase (pronounced zy-lan-ase) is a naturally-occurring enzyme that can have beneficial impacts on human health and digestion.[1] Fungi and bacteria produce xylanase, and it's produced by insects, crustaceans like snails, and even seeds.[2] Mammals, including humans, do not produce xylanase, but some of our gut bacteria do. Scientifically speaking, it is an enzyme that breaks down xylan, a type of hemicellulose, by cleaving the molecule’s beta 1,4 backbone into a simple sugar called xylose. Xylan is the second most common polysaccharide in nature and is a component of plant cell […]

Glucoamylase (also known as amyloglucosidase or AMG) is an important digestive enzyme that helps us absorb nutrients and create energy from some of the most common plant foods that we eat. It does this by breaking down the starch that occurs naturally in most vegetables that we eat. This starch is present in high amounts in common foods like potatoes, corn, rice, and wheat. It’s also added as a filler or processing additive in prepared food products. (more…)

Commonly found in many fruits, such as bananas and apples, pectinase in an enzyme that plays a key role in the digestive processes, and perhaps more importantly, in total physical well-being and anti-aging. (more…)

A protease (also known as a proteolytic enzyme, peptidase or proteinase) is an enzyme that helps digest different kinds of proteins in a process called proteolysis. Proteases are a category of enzymes; some are produced by the body, some are found in foods, and some are produced by bacteria and other microbes. Proteases assist with many different body processes including digestion, immune system function, and blood circulation. (more…)