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Gut Flora

You can say you have diarrhea if you pass stools of liquid consistency more than three times in one day. Diarrhea strikes all ages at one time or another. On average, adults can experience diarrhea as many as four times per year. Usually, when this condition presents it clears up on it's own after a day or two. This is considered acute or short-term diarrhea and usually will not last 3 weeks. (more…)

Just as everyone goes to the bathroom, everyone also passes gas; it's simply a biological reality. Your body is able to absorb a limited amount of the gas it ingests or produces. The rest has to come out somewhere. Even though flatulence is normal, its presence can cause anxiety and panic- both for the person releasing the gas, and those who may be in the vicinity. For this reason, reducing flatulence is of interest to many people, especially if they feel like their body is producing an excessive amount. (more…)

Digestive complaints are a common concern among adults. Gas, bloating, and indigestion: we've all experienced all of them and most of the time their presence is temporary. Flatulence, which is perhaps the most popular of gastrointestinal struggles, may occasionally be the result of a serious health concern but is often simply the result of diet or other benign situation. Although you should always be courteous and mindful of those nearby, here are three occasions when you definitely do not need to worry about being flatulent. (more…)

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People experience varying levels of flatulence for varying reasons. Although most flatulence is a normal part of digestion, sometimes flatulence can indicate the presence of health concerns. Everyone's body is unique and only a visit with your healthcare provider should be used to identify health concerns. However, for the sake of discussion, let's take a look at a few examples of when flatulence may be related to more serious health concerns. (more…)