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Earth Day


While most of us in the Western world know moringa as a health food supplement or "superfood," its leaves are so protein-rich and nutrient-dense that experts use it to alleviate undernutrition in some parts of the world! Leaves of Moringa oleifera, also known as the drumstick tree, are commonly added to curries and other Indian dishes. It’s delicious and nutritious. We modified this korma recipe from one developed by the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO).[1] A korma is a mild curry recipe made with various spices. Delicious Moringa […]

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Are there healthy ways to whiten your teeth? You bet there are! For a more natural alternative to over-the-counter or dental teeth whitening, consider using turmeric! The vibrant orange-yellow hue of the spice turmeric can liven up curries and stews, but did you know it can also make your teeth whiter? Turmeric teeth whitening preparations are becoming more and more popular. Turmeric’s yellow color comes from the curcumin inside the root. People use turmeric for a variety of health and wellness purposes — including whitening teeth. Who knew? Nobody has […]

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Nicknamed the “plant of immortality" in ancient times, aloe vera is a true wonder of nature. The spiky succulent plant has a vast variety of uses, the most famous being aloe vera for skin health. From acne and burns to stretch marks and more, this herbal powerhouse can moisturize, nourish, and soothe. You can apply aloe vera gel — the clear, bitter, jelly-like substance from inside the leaf — directly to the skin as a healing salve, or combine it with other ingredients in unique skin-soothing recipes. Scroll down for […]

Have you ever done the tissue test, where you hold up a piece of pristine white tissue paper next to your teeth to see the color difference? If you're like most people, the results are disheartening: stained, dull, yellow teeth — a far cry from the bright whiteness of the tissue. Luckily, whitening your teeth doesn't have to be a big ordeal. There are plenty of do-it-yourself natural teeth whitening options, including herbs, activated charcoal, and more. Plus, these methods are inexpensive and safe — unlike professional teeth whitening services […]

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A cup of joe is a key part of many people's morning routine. Coffee isn't just aromatic and delicious — it promotes alertness and focus, suppresses appetite, and even aids with digestion.[1] Coffee acts as a stimulant, which means that it can increase your blood pressure and heart rate; it also gives some people headaches. And while it helps digestion in some people, it can cause stomach pain and indigestion in others, especially people who drink several cups a day. Maybe your healthcare provider recommended that you reduce your coffee […]

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