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The findings of a 2006 study carried out by medical researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology in Richmond are being noticed within the scientific community [1]. The study results strongly suggest that if taken regularly, cannabis oil may be able to induce remission in leukemia patients without the horrendous side effects typically associated with standard radio-chemical treatment options. Although this is only one such study, other similar studies have shown equally impressive results [2]. (more…)

Our friends Doctor Rima and General Bert will be making stops in Dallas on April 28 and Houston on May 2 as part of the Natural Solutions Foundation's Four City Freedom Tour. They will be discussing an opportunity to purchase and rapidly grow a private, offshore Compounding Pharmacy and Nutraceutical Facility and other Tipping Point Projects designed to bring assets and values together. They believe you can make a profit while making a difference. This project will enable them to make available to holistic practitioners the nutrients and remedies that […]

We at Global Healing were sad to learn that New Chapter was recently bought by the global corporate conglomerate Procter and Gamble [1]. As a result, Global Healing will no longer carry New Chapter products. We cannot support a corporation we feel is detrimental to the environment and human health and we cannot be confident that the quality of New Chapter products will be maintained over the long-term. (more…)

Women's Health