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A bottle of Berberine


Itchy, scratchy skin. Unexplained sneezing and red, watery eyes. Constant headaches? Is this an allergy — or something else? You may be experiencing histamine intolerance — when too many of these compounds have built up in your blood, causing an allergy-like reaction. Histamines themselves are immune fighters that respond to foreign invaders, like pollen or food you're sensitive to. But when you get too much, then pow! — histamine intolerance hits. Histamine intolerance is not the same as histamine sensitivity. If you're histamine-sensitive, any amount will cause a reaction. With […]

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For smokers, quitting is — by far — the most important step you can take to improve your health as well as that of your family. Maybe you're worried about the harm cigarettes have caused your body, concerned about the effects of second-hand smoke on those around you, or feel like your tobacco use comes at a high cost. Whatever your motivation, remember that quitting smoking is a journey that requires a plan of action. Making the firm decision to quit is the first step on your path to better […]

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If your lungs are overworked or damaged by smoking, illness, allergies, or just being around air pollution in the environment, you can take specific steps to cleanse your lungs. Keeping your lungs clean, clear, and healthy will give you a greater connection to your vital life force. (more…)

Winter is a busy, festive time of year. It’s also a time when more people tend to get sick. What exactly is it about this time of year that encourages aches and sniffles? “Catching a chill” has long been suspected as a cause of winter ailments and, for just as long, has been dismissed as folklore. (more…)

Do you feel like your immune and respiratory system needs some extra love? Well, look no further than the flavonoid quercetin. Quercetin is a naturally occurring antioxidant commonly found in fruits and vegetables, including dark berries, grapes, and dark leafy greens! Red wine is also known to have notable amounts of quercetin.This potent antioxidant not only boosts your immune system and supports respiratory health, but it can help with your body's natural response to allergens, histamines, and inflammation. Let's dive into the top six quercetin benefits that you need to […]