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Candles are great for encouraging relaxation and creating a calm, serene environment. A candle's aroma and soft, warm glow sets a nice tone for romance, sophistication, and tranquility. Most candles today feature a variety of aromas. While refreshing they may be, the chemicals used to produce a candle's fragrance can be toxic and can contribute to air pollution. Fortunately, there are safe options, and it’s just a matter of being conscious during your purchasing decisions. (more…)

It’s been crazy the past few days here at Global Healing. As you’ve probably heard, Houston was recently hit with an epic storm that caused a lot of flooding and damage. Our main office is in Houston and it even lost power for a couple days. But, that didn’t stop our team. Despite the heat and lack of air conditioning, everyone here at GHC came together and we were still able to fulfill orders and respond to customers. When the chips are down, we step up! Fortunately, the building's power […]

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B12Length: 51 minutes TLDR? Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common concern worldwide.[1] This deficiency is linked to low energy and poor health. If you’re in the market for an excellent B12 supplement, I highly recommend Global Healing’s own Vitamin B12. This supplement is made from 100% vegan sources and contains the most bioactive forms of B12. Want to know more? Watch the video or read below! Video Transcript Hi everyone. I'm Dr. Group, DC with Global Healing, and today I'm going to talk […]

Maybe you’ve heard how probiotics can help your digestion, perhaps you’ve even tried them. But do you know exactly what they are, and just how they work? Don’t worry, because you’re not alone. There’s a lot of confusion about the role of probiotics on your digestive health, and I want to try to clear that up as best as I can. Benefits of Probiotics Probiotics are really just live bacteria that are constantly replenishing and growing inside of your intestines. Don’t freak out. A large number of these bacterial critters […]

Sugar consumption has steadily risen in recent years and the USDA now reports that the average American consumes around 150 pounds of sugar per year. [1] Sodas are a major source of refined sugars in the American diet. Energy drinks are close behind, and even fruit juices are working against us. Don't let the word "fruit" fool you. Some of these fruit drinks are stripped of all nutrients and have more additives and sugar (as much as more than 90 percent) than soda. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm