Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

I've talked at length before about muira puama and its place in sexual health tonics. It's been referred to by indigenous peoples in the Amazon as "potency wood" for quite some time and seems to hold promise for supporting male and female sexual health. Now, emerging research also seems to support the idea that it has a positive effect on brain health, too. Neurological concerns like dementia are a growing concern and many people are seeking new and innovative tools to approach the concern. Muira puama contains powerful compounds and […]

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Vitamin B12 is an essential vitamin, which means the human body cannot make it on its own and must obtain it through food, supplementation, or, in some cases, prescription medication. Known primarily as the “energy vitamin,” this vitally important nutrient plays a role in numerous bodily functions and is a cofactor and catalyst “helper” compound in certain enzymatic processes. Aside from those functions, every cell in your body needs vitamin B12. (more…)

Grains are a dietary staple for many people, despite their subpar nutritional status. Wheat and corn are the most consumed grains in the world and their proliferation into the food market makes them almost impossible to avoid. An added concern with corn is that it's often genetically modified, a practice that presents its own concerns. And, of course, for many people, the gluten content in wheat does a terrible number on their digestive system. Fortunately, for those interested in a gluten-free diet, there are several alternative grains that provide better nutrition […]

Loquat, also known as Eriobotrya japonica, is a subtropical tree with a long history of use in traditional and herbal medicine. Although the loquat produces edible fruit that is rich in calcium, iron, vitamin A, and potassium, the therapeutic power of loquat is contained in its large and glossy evergreen leaves. Traditionally used to make a tea, loquat leaf has been reputed to promote skin, respiratory, and intestinal health. (more…)

Considering that 18% of persons with ulcerative colitis suffer from an active form of the disease, and 30% of those patients need a colostomy within 10 years of diagnosis, it's no surprise that treatment can be quite challenging. [1] Factors such as the timing of identification, environmental elements influencing the colon, and side effects have lead researchers and doctors to look beyond the standard protocols to alternative approaches. Let's take a look at five ways currently being used to manage this unfortunate concern. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm