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Aphrodisiacs have been used throughout history and many ancient aphrodisiac mixtures are still popular today. When it comes to herbal aphrodisiac supplements, male sexual health products are often the most abundant in supply. Regardless of the focus on male sexual health products, many herbs and libido-boosting supplements also exist to support female sexual health. Here are 6 herbs you should know about. (more…)

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Highly revered in Native American cultures, the Osage tree is has admired for centuries. The bark, fruits, and leaves all contain phytonutrients that are responsible for the tree’s proposed health benefits. Its volatile oils make it a strong, natural insecticide, and many of its compounds have also been shown to protect the body against many types of harmful organisms. Available literature gives insight into the tree's power to promote human health. (more…)

Condé Nast, one of the biggest media conglomerates on the planet, has recently been linked to a major propaganda ploy by Monsanto to increase public morale surrounding genetically-modified organisms and toxic pesticides. Internal documents published on the website Gawker shows that Monsanto is attempting to team up with Condé Nast, the publishing house that distributes Vogue, Bon Appétit, and Epicurious, to recruit well-known celebrity chefs as a vehicle through which they can slang their crummy GMO products. Not only that, Monsanto is trying to get nonprofit organizations in on the […]

It's always important to take care of your body, but that's even more true as we get older. Age influences the way our bodies work, and this applies to both women and men. Age can affect mental health, metabolism, sleep cycles, sex drive, and much more. I hosted this webinar to cover natural anti-aging solutions. It will teach you about the science of aging and the best natural solutions to deal with its effects. This is a life lesson that everyone should hear. Learn new, groundbreaking information and get practical […]

Exposure to endocrine disruptors is like putting a drop of water into the gas tank of a car. One drop may not have a major impact, but drip by drip, the car breaks down. Endocrine disruptors do the same thing to the human body. Endocrine disruptors cause symptoms such as infertility, weight gain, cardiac disease, dementia, and more. Hormones control every function in the body; when they're out of balance, so is everything else. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm