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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that approximately 76 million people become ill from pathogens in food each year in the United States.[1] What causes this high occurrence of foodborne illness? Most commonly, it's caused by bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella, that is present in your kitchen. In fact, the kitchen is home to more harmful bacteria and germs than the bathroom![2] Meat and poultry products are the usual culprits of foodborne bacteria, although it is not always because they were raw or undercooked. Sometimes, they […]

I previously discussed a company that launched an anti-aspartame campaign in New Zealand, and ever since, I've been sent tons of questions concerning the various dangers of aspartame. (more…)

The other day, a colleague of mine sent me over the results from a recent study that sghows a link between higher body mass index (BMI) in toddlers, and the mothers' prenatal exposure to environmental pollutants, such as pesticides found on the foods we eat [1]. The study, conducted by the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, concluded that there is a direct link between prenatal chemical exposure and birth weight/length. Sadly, this is yet another example of the growing amount of scientific data supporting the knowledge that toxic chemicals are all […]

The American Cancer Society defines breast cancer as a "malignant tumor that starts from the cells of the breast." The breast is made up of milk glands and fatty tissues, and cancer can occur in any of these tissues. Cells in our bodies are constantly reproducing, and when they start to reproduce at an abnormal rate, they cause a tumor to form. If cells from a malignant tumor enter the lymphatic system they can infect other tissues, this is termed as metastasizing. (more…)

Some may reason that it shouldn't matter how late we eat just as long as the calories we consume are within range of what our bodies need. However, eating late affects the body in a different way than eating a larger meal at mid-day. Calories that are consumed at night are usually not processed as efficiently as those during the day. Think about it, unless you work the night shift, most people's activities wind down as the day does. Settling in after dinner isn't uncommon. Unfortunately, if we lie down […]

A bottle of Kava Calm