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"I tap daily to release negative emotions and energy. It helps me stay grounded in the present moment," says Kate W., an emotional freedom techniques (EFT) tapping practitioner and teacher from San Francisco. "I’ve used EFT tapping for anxiety, healing, loss, fear, and so much more." This method involves gentle tapping on your body on specific meridian points and has been clinically shown to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, and other issues.[1] What's The Story Behind Emotional Freedom Techniques? Invented by Gary Craig, emotional freedom techniques (EFT) were designed to eliminate […]

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Did you know that you can naturally boost your body's ability to fight off harmful organisms and increase your body's resistance by simply meditating? I'm going to tell you how meditation and mindfulness training can do just that. I meditate daily, and I'm always trying to remain present and live in the moment because I've always believed that mindfulness and meditation share a powerful relationship with our body and our immune system. Watch the video below or read the transcription to learn more. Emergency Immune Boost Through MeditationLength: 4 minutes […]

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Most of us know that mushrooms taste great in a stir-fry or a warming bowl of soup, but did you know that some varieties of fungi are also known as healing mushrooms and functional foods? Native to Asia but common in North American grocery stores, enokitake are one such mushroom that provides a host of health benefits. Best known for strengthening the body’s natural immune response, enokitake mushrooms contain potent antioxidants.[1] They also promote liver and heart health and a normal response to inflammation.[1] More than just a healthy and […]

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From running a marathon in the snow — barefoot— to climbing part of Mount Everest wearing shorts, Wim Hof, "The Iceman" is no stranger to the extreme. Hof, a Dutch athlete, trained himself to withstand very cold temperatures using a unique breathing technique. Wim Hof breathing has been featured on TV shows and researched in labs. More importantly, people around the world now use it to boost their immune systems, feel more energized and less stressed, improve focus and athletic performance, and release endorphins — happy hormones. This method can […]

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The digestive system doesn’t get enough credit. Not only does it break down the food you eat, but it also plays a major role in keeping you healthy. There’s a strong connection between your gut and your immune system. In fact, over 70 percent of your body’s immune system is in your gastrointestinal tract![1] You've most likely heard of probiotics, the "good bacteria" many people take as supplements. Yet every person has a whole ecosystem of microbes in their gut. Known as the microbiome, it’s composed of bacteria, viruses, fungi, […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm