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You may have recently heard about the importance of having enough riboflavin in your diet. But what is riboflavin? Riboflavin is simply another name for vitamin B2. It’s one of eight B vitamins that your body uses to metabolize fat and protein and to convert carbs into the glucose your cells require for energy. Your nerves and brain need riboflavin to function properly and it also helps keep your skin, eyes, hair, and liver healthy. As a water-soluble vitamin, your body doesn't store it, so you need to regularly get […]

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Have you ever heard of epazote (pronounced eh-puh-ZOE-tay)? Epazote is a herb with a long history of use as a spice in Latin American cuisine and as an effective, natural remedy for eliminating harmful organisms from the digestive tract. [1] With a scientific name Dysphania ambrosioides (formerly chenopodium ambrosioides), this green leafy vegetable is native to Central America, southern Mexico, and South America. It is believed that the Mayans were among the first to harness the many benefits of this herb. [1] (more…)

While I can’t stress enough just how important all the vitamins and minerals are for your overall well being, today we’re going to focus on vitamin A. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, a powerful antioxidant, and part of a family of compounds that are vitally important to the body. It supports the immune system, helps strengthen vision, assists with normal organ function, reproduction, and more. [1] (more…)

The torment of acne has become a rite of passage for teens. But, as it turns out, acne is not a condition limited to adolescents. Today, over 40 percent of American adults age 25 and over deal with clinical, facial acne. That includes 12 percent of people who are considered middle-aged! What's most startling is that this condition is not a global phenomenon. Young adults in other, non-western societies experience a substantially lower incidence of acne.[1] (more…)

Sometimes referred to as an electrolyte, potassium is a naturally-occurring mineral and key nutrient for good health. Your nerves and muscles need it to function properly. It supports digestive and kidney health, regulates blood pressure and helps build strong bones. [1] It’s especially important for your heart, too. [2] (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm