Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

For their role in heart and cardiovascular health, walnuts have received a great deal of attention in recent years. However, they aren’t the only healthy nut option around. When it comes to nutrition, pecans can go toe-to-toe with walnuts in the way they protect the heart and mind, support weight loss, and promote weight management. In fact, pecans may even have the edge over walnuts as the healthier nut... (more…)

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that protects your body from pathogens. This time of year, you'll hear a lot about it! Think of it as a personal shield. Its job is to protect you from harmful organisms and toxins that can have a negative effect on your health. (more…)

The aloe vera plant has become incredibly popular. Traditionally, aloe is known for its topical benefits, including wound healing and keeping skin moisturized and protected.[1] Aloe vera is used in numerous beauty products as an additive for its vitamin and acemannan content. Because of its nutritional properties, this plant is a living superfood. It’s a very easy plant to care for, making it a staple in many homes. These succulent plants are known for their ability to thrive under virtually any conditions, as they grow equally well indoors and outdoors […]

Periodontitis is a serious gum infection marked by painful, irritating symptoms that make it challenging to eat, swallow, and speak. Although prevention is important, many people fall short because it typically involves cutting out sugar and spending more time brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Periodontal disease begins with gingivitis and progresses if steps aren’t taken. What’s surprising is recent research has shown a strong association between nutrition and periodontitis risk, particularly when it comes to vitamin B12 deficiency. (more…)

In my opinion, among nuts, pecans are the best and have been one of my favorite snacks for years; they’re also one of the healthiest. In fact, after looking at 277 different nuts and foods, USDA researchers say pecans are the most antioxidant-rich nut around. On top of this, pecans deliver more oleic acid than olive oil, contain 90% unsaturated (heart-healthy) fats, are low sodium, cholesterol free, contain essential vitamins and minerals, and have important alpha and gamma-tocopherol forms of vitamin E. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm