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Many people don’t realize a healthy gut does far more than handle digestion. Research into the gut microbiome is revealing startling results, showing its effects on the immune system, obesity, allergies, and mood. Nutrition plays a firm role in gut flora quality and quantity. In fact, certain foods contain “prebiotics” that feed beneficial gut bacteria. The more beneficial bacteria we have, the greater likelihood our health will benefit. On the other hand, a diet high in refined sugars and trans fats may hinder the gut microbiota and influence practically every […]

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You might not know it, but you owe your life to bacteria. That’s because they are the only creatures on the planet that create vitamin B12, a vitamin you cannot live without. If you become deficient in B12, your mental health suffers, your metabolism slows, you feel fatigued, and you can develop heart disease, osteoporosis, and anemia. Suffice to say, it’s important you get enough and of the right type. (more…)

While it goes without saying that food plays a huge role in our lives, you might not know that poor eating choices can cause gut irritation. Leaky gut syndrome, or intestinal hyperpermeability, can happen when your gut becomes inflamed by dietary, metabolic, or environmental factors. Instead of nutrients passing from the intestines to the bloodstream, partially digested food or toxins can escape through perforations. Could it be that eating the right foods may help reduce the severity of leaky gut? (more…)

Lactose intolerance is one of the most common food allergies; symptoms range from mild discomfort to extreme intestinal pain. Complete avoidance of dairy is perhaps the easiest way to avoid these concerns, especially for young children. However, it might not be the only option. According to a recent study, infants with lactose intolerance, when given a specific probiotic strain, were able to tolerate lactose and even reverse their cow’s milk allergy. (more…)

The past decade has seen a surge in probiotic sales, thanks to an increased scrutiny on the powerful benefits associated with good bacteria. While there are many who cringe at the thought of consuming bacteria, probiotics are actually crucial for the functioning of your digestion, mood, and even bone health. No longer are probiotics being relegated to supporting only digestion. In fact, it turns out these beneficial microorganisms may also support the immune system. Vitamin C used to be the main dietary component attributed to immune support; however, recent reports […]

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