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Women's Health

Endocrine and Hormone

Infertility and low libido, common symptoms associated with male dysfunction, have been heavily researched and written about for centuries. Henry VIII, the famous King of England during the sixteenth century, is a prime example. He did his best to hide his infertility from the public, blaming his many wives for his impotency; even going so far as placing them on the chopping block. With today’s science, men can no longer blame these issues on other people or outside circumstances. Luckily, there are some safe and simple options available that may […]

Exposure to endocrine disruptors is like putting a drop of water into the gas tank of a car. One drop may not have a major impact, but drip by drip, the car breaks down. Endocrine disruptors do the same thing to the human body. Endocrine disruptors cause symptoms such as infertility, weight gain, cardiac disease, dementia, and more. Hormones control every function in the body; when they're out of balance, so is everything else. (more…)

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is an Ayurvedic herb commonly used in traditional Indian medicine. Investigations into the herb's powerful effects on the body have sparked an explosion of interest, and research has reported exciting potential for human health, specifically its effects on mental, physical, and emotional health. Benefits of Ashwagandha Root Ashwagandha may enhance energy, support aging, and stimulate sex drive. Here are 7 benefits women may experience with ashwagandha. 1. Promotes Graceful Aging Stress, both metabolic and emotional, dramatically affects aging. Cortisol, the body's stress hormone, contributes […]

Although you may never pick up an alcoholic beverage, you could still be regularly exposing yourself to the detrimental health effects of alcohol. Household products, for example, often contain ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and can be a source many people don't consider. While exposure to these products won't necessarily make you intoxicated, mere exposure to alcohol can be a health concern. Alcohol is an endocrine disruptor and many people are becoming increasingly concerned with its pervasiveness in common, everyday products. What is an Endocrine Disruptor? Your endocrine system produces and regulates […]

Using hormones to combat age-related hormonal shifts sounds a bit like using a sledgehammer to drive a nail into a piece of wood. Yes, the nail will go through, but at what cost? Hormones control practically every function, mechanism, and metabolic reaction in our body. Science has shown just how powerful hormones are for affecting every aspect of health, including cardiovascular, mood, cognitive function, and even digestion. (more…)