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Women's Health

Endocrine and Hormone

Is there a connection between zinc and testosterone? Consider the case of sales manager Tom P. from Milwaukee, WI. As his 50th birthday approached, Tom felt a mixture of pride and concern. He was in the best shape of his life thanks to regular sweat sessions at the gym and a plant-based diet. He was at the top of his game professionally. Yet something wasn’t quite right. Tom was getting sick a lot. He didn’t have much of an appetite. He had a cut on his hand that was taking […]

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You likely don't give much thought to your prostate — until it starts to cause concern. If you’re a man advancing in age, you might notice common signs of an enlarged prostate gland. These include changes to your flow of urine, waking in the night to urinate, or frequent urination. You may feel like you can’t empty your bladder fully, that urination is not complete, or that the stream stops and starts. An enlarged prostate may also affect sexual activity. Prostate issues range from minor inconveniences to serious life-threatening illnesses. […]

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Andropause is a term applied to men who have reached a certain age where their testosterone levels decline. Certain lifestyle and dietary factors can make it worse, and certain natural herbs and lifestyle habits can make it better. Continue reading or watch the video below to find out if you think you may be experiencing andropause and what you can do about it. (more…)

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In the quest for a good night's sleep, some people turn to melatonin as a useful ally. Although your body produces this sleep hormone naturally, some people take melatonin in a supplement form. But is melatonin safe? Whether you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, melatonin may seem like a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter sleeping pills.[1] While melatonin is generally safe for short-term use, taking it regularly over the long-term may worsen your sleep issues. Read on to find out why. What Is Melatonin? Melatonin […]

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Recently I talked about the dangers of lead and how, at one time, lead was used as heavily as plastic. Not anymore. Lead was discovered to be highly toxic and the use of it in products like paint, toys, and electronics drastically declined. There is concern now that we're in a similar position with plastic. Let's look at a few reasons why you might want to consider going completely plastic free. (more…)