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Women's Health

Green Living

Even before the Surgeon General's 1964 report, "Smoking and Health," society has been aware of the terrible effects of tobacco smoke on health. Today, you'd have to be living under a rock or purposely obtuse to not know that tobacco smoke is a very dangerous pollutant. Whether you're doing the smoking yourself or just enduring exposure to side-stream smoke or second hand smoke, tobacco smoke contributes to lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease and other illnesses. (more…)

Organic soil has been naturally amended by the decomposition of plants and animals and unfortunately, today, most of the soil in the world has been depleted by agribusiness. Farmers who produce certified organic produce must first develop soil that meets with the criteria of the USDA. This requires them to amend previously depleted soil with essential organic compounds with the intent of restoring soil with the original richness our planet previously enjoyed prior to the damage caused by modern day industrialization. (more…)

Volatile organic compounds are a topic that everyone needs to learn about, as they are found in a multitude of household products, and are generally harmful to your health. Volatile organic compounds, more commonly known as VOC's, include a variety of chemicals found in many common products. VOC's are emitted as gases from liquids or solids and can have short and long-term adverse health effects on respiratory systems. (more…)

It might not surprise you to hear that as many as 70% of all American homes own a pet. Pets bring a lot of joy and are usually considered a true member of the family. Petting a cat or dog has been shown to lower blood pressure and decrease feelings of loneliness and isolation. It’s not hard to understand why we have a real emotional connection to our pets. However, for people with allergies to animal dander, pets can pose a concern. (more…)

If you’ve ever been concerned about pesticides or radiation in your food, or even whether the organic food you purchase really is organic, you’re probably going to be very excited by the Lapka Personal Environment Monitor, an iPhone device slated to come out later this year. (more…)

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