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Quite a bit of attention has been placed on the benefits of probiotics lately. Not familiar with these helpful bacteria? Simply put, probiotics are microorganisms that support your immune system, help you digest food, and absorb nutrients. [1] You should know, however, that probiotics is an umbrella term and there are many different strains of bacteria that are included. Today, we’re going to discuss an important strain of beneficial bacteria: Lactobacillus salivarius. [2] (more…)

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If you’ve ever battled toe or foot fungus, you know how difficult it is to clear up. Relieving the pain, itchiness, odor, and discomfort associated with the condition can also be rather challenging. Untreated, foot fungus, also known as athlete’s foot or tinea pedis, “eats” away at the skin of the foot and can easily spread to other areas of the body, such as the groin. Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, disfigures the toenail and creates thick discolored nails that can cause painful pressure and difficulty walking. (more…)

Tea is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. There are many varieties – black, oolong, pu-erh, green, and white, just to name a few. Each type is processed differently to promote varying colors, tastes, and aromas. It turns out that all tea coming from the Camellia sinensis plant may provide benefits for teeth and gums, much more so than previously thought. It looks like tea's antioxidant properties, along with other compounds, may be responsible for its beneficial effects on teeth. Could tea be an alternative to fluoride […]

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Right now, inside of you, is a team of living bacteria. Certain strains of bacteria are responsible for different health effects, but many of them also share the same functions. Lactobacillus paracasei is one such strain with powerful benefits. Let's get familiar with this strain and examine the research behind it. (more…)

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When someone mentions probiotics, they’re referring to actual bacteria that live in your gut. Your gut is populated with all kinds of microorganisms — some good and some bad. In order to keep a healthy balance, good bacteria needs to keep the harmful variety in check. But, due to modern diets and lifestyles, the good guys can drop in numbers, allowing for what you might want to think of it as a hostile takeover. One particular probiotic strain, Streptococcus thermophilus, is an important strain that may support colon health, support […]

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