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A bottle of Berberine


In some ways, your skin is like a road map of your life. The chin scar from when you fell off your bike in second grade, the crinkles around your eyes from decades of laughter, the crease that appears when you’re deep in thought… These signposts mark your unique journey. Yet some signs of aging — sagging skin, wrinkles, or spots — are preventable and reversible, and you can slow them down with healthy lifestyle and nutritional choices. Whether you’re just starting to see signs of aging or want to […]

Day in and day out, your skin is exposed to harmful toxins. Because of that, you want to protect it. And just in case you aren’t as careful with skin care as you should be, I want to share these 5 facts about your skin so you can get a better idea of what it's exposed to on a daily basis. (more…)

We should always try to avoid getting a sunburn even though, at times, the power of the sun can unexpectedly sneak up. The redness, irritation, peeling, pain, swelling, and unsightly blisters are highly uncomfortable. Sunburns are acute inflammation of the skin cells, caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun. Many people are unaware that the chemicals they put on their skin can cause sun exposure to produce irritation. When sunburn does occur, nature offers us many cooling, soothing remedies to take away the sting and bite. Home Remedies for Sunburns […]

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, yet few people realize its importance for their health. While keeping your heart, liver, and kidneys functioning properly is crucial, so is protecting your skin from radiation and harsh environmental contaminants. Now, you're probably already thinking about sunscreen, the leading product in this regard, which helps to protect the outer layer of your skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation. Conventional sunscreen, however, contains a number of chemical ingredients that may actually be harmful to your health. Organic sunscreen is […]

A recent investigation by the Environmental Working Group [1] found that 60% of sunscreens currently on the market are not as safe and effective as you may think. Some of them just don't offer the protection necessary to block all of the sun's harmful UV rays, and others actually contain chemicals that can cause damage to your skin. (more…)