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Abdominal massage used to be the go-to treatment for constipation. It’s a safe and natural way to ease that stopped up feeling, and the gas and bloating that often go with it. When you massage your stomach in the right way, you induce peristalsis — the wave-like motions of your intestines that push everything through. This means that it takes less time for waste to get out of your body. The great news? You can massage your own abdomen, have your partner do it, or find a therapist who specializes […]

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Almost everyone has experienced muscle or joint discomfort at some point in their life. The entire human body contains muscles and joints that are constantly in motion, making it easy for discomfort to appear anywhere, anytime. The most common type of muscle discomfort affects the lower back; an estimated 80% of the adult population in the United States has this condition. It's one of the top reasons why people see a doctor. It is also a leading cause of disability in Americans under the age of 45.[1] (more…)

Massage is extremely beneficial for the body and therapeutic for the mind. Massaging the legs after a run gets lactic acid moving to reduce soreness. Massaging stiff shoulders and neck helps reduce tension. Massaging the abdomen offers a dual action approach to supporting digestion. Since digestive concerns can be the result of stress, relieving stress can encourage healthy intestinal function. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm