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When it comes to plants, aloe is a rock star. Around the world, aloe plants - especially aloe vera - have many traditional uses and plays an important role in many cultures. You’ve probably seen it used in skin care lotions and recommended for conditions like sunburn, eczema, and rosacea. And many people even like to grow aloe vera or other aloe species in their own homes. Aloe plants tend to be very durable and can thrive in just about any environment. This also lends to their popularity as a […]

The aloe vera plant has become incredibly popular. Traditionally, aloe is known for its topical benefits, including wound healing and keeping skin moisturized and protected.[1] Aloe vera is used in numerous beauty products as an additive for its vitamin and acemannan content. Because of its nutritional properties, this plant is a living superfood. It’s a very easy plant to care for, making it a staple in many homes. These succulent plants are known for their ability to thrive under virtually any conditions, as they grow equally well indoors and outdoors […]

A bottle of Kava Calm