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Did you know that headaches are the most common form of pain?[1] Relatively minor and temporary conditions such as dehydration, stress, the flu, a cold, an ear or tooth infection, or staring at a computer screen for too long cause most headaches. Others may be caused by underlying medical issues, like a blow to the head or something more serious. (more…)

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There are headaches — and then there are migraines. About one in ten people experience these types of headaches, which bring intense pain and other symptoms. While some sufferers only get migraines occasionally, others have them several times a month, and they significantly interfere with daily life. The good news: Research shows that many migraine remedies, including natural herbs and supplements, provide effective relief and reduce the need for medication. These natural therapies can not only decrease the number of migraines you experience but also lessen the severity when one […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm