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Every day, we're bombarded with toxins: additives in the food supply, pollution in the air and water, and chemicals in the products we put on our bodies. The overabundance of common impurities that we all encounter can overwhelm our natural ability to detoxify. Many of these toxins find their way to the liver, kidneys, intestines, and colon. Cleansing is a great way to flush your body and reboot your overall well-being, and cleansing the colon can boost your natural self-healing and detox mechanisms. (more…)

GaiamTV is an on-demand, streaming video provider featuring original programming focused on personal wellness, exclusive interviews, alternative news, thought-provoking documentaries, and exercise. I was recently on a couple episodes of their show, "Healing Matrix" with Regina Meredith. It was exciting to be a part of the show! (more…)

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Abdominal massage used to be the go-to treatment for constipation. It’s a safe and natural way to ease that stopped up feeling, and the gas and bloating that often go with it. When you massage your stomach in the right way, you induce peristalsis — the wave-like motions of your intestines that push everything through. This means that it takes less time for waste to get out of your body. The great news? You can massage your own abdomen, have your partner do it, or find a therapist who specializes […]

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The digestive system doesn’t get enough credit. Not only does it break down the food you eat, but it also plays a major role in keeping you healthy. There’s a strong connection between your gut and your immune system. In fact, over 70 percent of your body’s immune system is in your gastrointestinal tract![1] You've most likely heard of probiotics, the "good bacteria" many people take as supplements. Yet every person has a whole ecosystem of microbes in their gut. Known as the microbiome, it’s composed of bacteria, viruses, fungi, […]

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Many positive lifestyle choices can help balance your gut and boost your immune system. Making gut-friendly changes to your diet, choosing the right supplements, and generally prioritizing wellness can promote gut and immune system health. Here are a few proven ideas. 1. Follow a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet A plant-based diet that consists of healthy whole foods gives your gut the nutrients it needs to work well. Eating plant-based proteins may increase immune-boosting gut bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus.[1] A healthy diet strengthens the immune system by supporting gut balance. […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm