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A healthy colon is the center of a healthy, happy life. The colon is a workhorse for your digestive system and helps absorb the nutrients your body needs. Unfortunately, with all the good your colon does, it also gets hit with the brunt of toxins and harmful organisms your body takes in. Fortunately, if you want to keep your colon clean and healthy, there are many options available to you. First and foremost, eating more fruits and vegetables and sticking to the right diet plan will have exponential benefits. Performing […]

You may have heard about prune juice for babies or older adults, but this purple-colored drink is breaking old stereotypes and gaining a whole new following. Don’t be mistaken, the health benefits of prune juice still include constipation relief, but that is not all it can offer. Made from prunes (also known as dried plums), prune juice is packed full of beneficial nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that can support your health from head to toe. (more…)

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Going number two probably isn’t something you think much about, but when not going becomes physically uncomfortable, it’s at the forefront of your thoughts. When you’re faced with occasional constipation and need relief fast, you probably head to the pharmacy. Unfortunately, many over-the-counter laxatives come with a heaping helping of adverse side effects. Not to mention that the sheer abundance of laxative options can feel overwhelming. Here, we'll shed light on the subject and compare the various types of laxatives and their effects. (more…)

If you're like most people, you have probably experienced uncomfortable bloating and constipation and found out for yourself just how debilitating they can be. Constipation is merely a symptom with an underlying issue. By approaching the root cause, it is possible to relieve constipation before it starts by eating the right foods. When constipation happens, you can save time and money by utilizing natural remedies, many of which you probably have around the house. Natural Remedies for Constipation Before you run to the pharmacy, give these 10 natural remedies for […]

We can learn a lot from poop. Seriously, hear me out. What comes out can tell us a lot about what’s going on inside. Color, consistency, appearance, and odor are all indications of how healthy, or unhealthy, you are. Think of it like reading tea leaves, except with hard science to back it up. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm