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Type 2 diabetes, sometimes referred to as adult-onset diabetes, doesn't have to be permanent. Fasting and calorie restriction can help you get control of your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, and even help reverse type 2 diabetes. But, before we get into how fasting can undo the damage of type 2 diabetes, we first need to understand how type 2 diabetes affects the body. (more…)

While some people jokingly refer to themselves as sugar addicts, the truth is no laughing matter. Refined sugar causes real, clinically verifiable addictive patterns in your brain and ruinous effects on your body. The average American consumes between 22 and 30 teaspoons of added sugar every day.[1] That’s sugar that you could easily cut from your diet entirely by making intelligent dietary decisions — or you could if sugar didn’t have you hooked. A sugar detox is a way to break the hold sugar has over you. (more…)

Sugar consumption has steadily risen in recent years and the USDA now reports that the average American consumes around 150 pounds of sugar per year. [1] Sodas are a major source of refined sugars in the American diet. Energy drinks are close behind, and even fruit juices are working against us. Don't let the word "fruit" fool you. Some of these fruit drinks are stripped of all nutrients and have more additives and sugar (as much as more than 90 percent) than soda. (more…)

Are you eating a diet high in sugar? If so, consider the many health costs. As you chew on that sugary snack, those empty calories could be increasing your waistline and lead to a fatty liver disease.[1] Sugar is in practically everything these days — from your peanut butter to a loaf of bread. What’s even worse, high fructose corn syrup has quickly replaced pure sugar, leading to even further complications. Could cutting sugar out of your life completely be the answer to your health concerns? Well, there’s one thing […]

A bottle of Kava Calm