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Many have said that our country runs on coffee. Some might also say we're addicted to caffeine and the energy it provides. Caffeine is a highly addictive compound that many people have come to depend on for the perception of increased energy. Caffeine operates by preventing the chemical adenosine from telling the brain it's time to relax. The result is a surge of unnatural energy; but, over time, the brain becomes accustomed to the threshold and requires more caffeine to provide the same alertness. (more…)

If you're eating right now, maybe you should set your food aside for a moment. Today's topic, rope worms, isn't especially appetizing. While parasite biology is not for the squeamish, the importance of this subject cannot be understated. Rope worm, a newly-discovered intestinal invader, may be one of the most frightening and most overlooked parasites plaguing human health today. (more…)

There’s a lot of confusion out there about what makes a good probiotic, so let’s take a closer look at one of the most important around: Bifidobacterium bifidum. This bacterial strain is one of the most popular, commonly added to commercial yogurts and probiotic supplements. Its effectiveness for supporting digestive health could explain its popularity. Let’s discuss more about this powerful, beneficial bacteria. (more…)

The beneficial microbes inhabiting your gut have long been known to support digestive health, but deeper research is showing how intestinal bacteria controls and protects organ health. The liver, one of the organs reliant on a healthy balance of good bacteria, is our main detoxifying center. When we're receiving enough probiotics (as well as prebiotics), it works more efficiently at removing toxins from our food and environment. It turns out that many of the liver's metabolic functions are either enhanced or suppressed by the presence or lack of healthy bacteria […]

You probably hear a lot about acid reflux, or perhaps you suffer from it yourself. But what exactly is acid reflux? Well, right at your stomach opening is a valve called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally, the LES opens and closes as it's supposed to, but sometimes it messes up. When that happens, your stomach acid can occasionally escape and flow backwards — that is, up into your esophagus — and if you’ve ever experienced reflux, you know you’re left with some pretty uncomfortable feelings. Not only is it […]

A bottle of Kava Calm