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Every once in a while, an herbal remedy works so well that even the most skeptical experts sit up and take notice. Such has been the case with elderberry (Sambucus nigra). From ancient times, people have used elderberry for the immune system. This plant has a long history of traditional use backed by solid scientific evidence. With its abundant phytochemicals, many experts consider it a superfood. Richard K., a Wisconsin-based pharmacist who specializes in integrative healing, has witnessed the wonders of elderberry many times over the years. "I grew up […]

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If you think eating healthy is boring and bland, you’ve not learned the incredible, palate-pleasing wonders of a whole-foods diet. But what are whole foods? Pure and unprocessed, whole foods include luscious fruits, nutritious and vibrantly-hued vegetables, hearty and wholesome legumes, snackable seeds, and more. "Whole" does not mean you can’t cook these vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and grains, or chop them, puree them, or combine them with other foods. Rather, it means you buy (or grow and harvest) the items whole, without chemical preservatives, colors, and other additives. In […]

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"I was so bloated that I looked nine months pregnant," explains Andrea D., a school secretary from Madison, Wisconsin. "Anything I ate would come right back up, but I was still gaining unwanted weight." With pain rippling through her body, she struggled to sleep and function and had constipation, especially after eating carb-heavy foods. Exhausted from the roller coaster, Andrea consulted a gastroenterologist, desperate for answers. After running tests, Andrea’s doctor told her the news: an imbalance of the bacteria in her gut was causing her symptoms. Seeking relief, Andrea […]

Proteolytic enzymes have more than just a cool-sounding name. Pronounced prō-​tē-​a-​li-​ti​k, they offer superior health benefits, as well. As digestive aids, these enzymes break down protein in the foods you eat. They also help to build your cells, boost energy, reduce systemic redness and swelling, and stimulate the immune system. Your body naturally produces proteolytic enzymes, but you can also get them from foods. For example, papaya contains papain and pineapple has bromelain. You can also take proteolytic enzymes in supplement form for digestive and systemic support. What Are Proteolytic […]

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You recognize that feeling, a slight burp followed by a chestful of fire. Heartburn. It can be so uncomfortable that many people have even confused it for a heart attack. Also known as acid reflux, indigestion, or pyrosis, heartburn is a common ailment. Up to 20 percent of people experience occasional heartburn. It often comes with burping, bloating, a sour taste in the mouth, and discomfort in the chest area.[1] Persistent heartburn that occurs more than twice a week is gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).[1] Fortunately, heartburn has simple and effective […]

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