Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

"I was so bloated that I looked nine months pregnant," explains Andrea D., a school secretary from Madison, Wisconsin. "Anything I ate would come right back up, but I was still gaining unwanted weight." With pain rippling through her body, she struggled to sleep and function and had constipation, especially after eating carb-heavy foods. Exhausted from the roller coaster, Andrea consulted a gastroenterologist, desperate for answers. After running tests, Andrea’s doctor told her the news: an imbalance of the bacteria in her gut was causing her symptoms. Seeking relief, Andrea […]

You may have heard of gluten — and the dietary concerns it causes — but have you heard of lectin? Known as an "antinutrient," lectin is a type of plant-based protein commonly found in seeds, grains, legumes, and tubers, like potatoes. As an antinutrient, lectins may prevent your body from absorbing essential vitamins and minerals — but that's not all. (more…)

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If you have a leaky gut — also called increased intestinal permeability — substances that should stay in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract pass through spaces called tight junctions. In a healthy gut, tight junctions act like gatekeepers, keeping partially digested food and microbiota in and allowing nutrients out. But if physical damage, chemical damage, pathogens, or illness injures the GI tract, the tight junctions loosen, leading to a leaky gut. A leaky gut is a risk factor for developing other conditions, including Crohn’s disease, allergies, and autoimmune and neurological disorders. […]

We promote internal cleansing to help remove toxicants that accumulate in your body as a result of your diet and the environment around you. But if you want to take your efforts a step further, cutting back on the food-related toxins you ingest is a good idea. And there's no better way to do that than clean up your diet with a detox diet. (more…)

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that is becoming more common. People with this illness often find it debilitating and are always seeking new ways to improve their lifestyle and live with less discomfort and disruption. One of the ways people with Crohn’s alleviate symptoms of this condition involves a change in their daily menu. Adopting a Crohn’s disease diet along with a few other lifestyle changes can reduce your symptoms to improve your health, quality of life, and even encourage remission. (more…)

Women's Health