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Juicing has become a popular way to boost energy and lose weight. You may have heard juice cleansing radio ads, seen (or bought) expensive juices in the store, or maybe you've even made juice from scratch. But does juicing for weight loss work? Juicing refers to using a juicer or blender to liquefy fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Juices differ from smoothies because the latter include additional ingredients like milk, yogurt, seeds, and sweeteners. Juices typically contain only the liquid components — although some juices contain pulp. Making your own blends […]

Digestion is a complex process with many components and digestive enzymes are among the most important.[1] Digestive enzymes help break down food so that the body can use the nutrients within the food. For a healthy person, their body should produce all the digestive enzymes they require. However, age, lifestyle, diet, and certain medical disorders can affect enzyme production. If this happens to you and your digestion isn't as smooth as it could be, you can boost your enzyme supply by eating certain foods. In this article, we'll look at […]

When you're having digestive concerns, you may not feel like eating anything. Even your favorite food may seem unappetizing when you're dealing with nausea, diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive issues. Fortunately, there are easy-to-digest foods that can help you feel better while making sure you get enough nutrients and stay hydrated. (more…)

At Global Healing, we believe the foundation for health and wellness is a whole food, plant-based diet, with fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains that come directly from nature. After twenty years in the natural health industry, I know that following a plant-based diet that's free of processed and packaged foods — and adding in exercise and a positive attitude — will bring you the best results for your health and happiness.[1] As the famous Greek philosopher Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." (more…)

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Every day, we're bombarded with toxins: additives in the food supply, pollution in the air and water, and chemicals in the products we put on our bodies. The overabundance of common impurities that we all encounter can overwhelm our natural ability to detoxify. Many of these toxins find their way to the liver, kidneys, intestines, and colon. Cleansing is a great way to flush your body and reboot your overall well-being, and cleansing the colon can boost your natural self-healing and detox mechanisms. (more…)

Women's Health