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Many people don’t realize a healthy gut does far more than handle digestion. Research into the gut microbiome is revealing startling results, showing its effects on the immune system, obesity, allergies, and mood. Nutrition plays a firm role in gut flora quality and quantity. In fact, certain foods contain “prebiotics” that feed beneficial gut bacteria. The more beneficial bacteria we have, the greater likelihood our health will benefit. On the other hand, a diet high in refined sugars and trans fats may hinder the gut microbiota and influence practically every […]

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Your gut is where digestion begins, it's connected to your brain, and it's at least 70 percent of your immune system. The bottom line — you can't be healthy if your gut isn't healthy. A diet free of refined sugar and artificial ingredients are part of the equation in promoting a healthy gut flora. Achieving a positive balance of bacteria is the other. Within your gut live colonies of friendly bacteria known as probiotics that are part of your microbiota. When you have healthy, established colonies, it has positive effects […]

Right now, your gut is swimming with bacteria — good and bad. Maintaining a good balance between the two is key to helping you stay healthy. One of the ways to support that is to give your gut flora supportive food, not detrimental. Sugar and artificial sweeteners can affect your gut health in some not-so-friendly ways. You probably have heard about the artificial sweeteners aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose — three of the biggest offenders — but can also add sugar to that list. (more…)

By now, most people know that probiotic supplements give your gut a boost of good bacteria and provide many health benefits. But experts have identified an exciting new ingredient that can take gut health to the next level — bacteriophages. Pioneering companies like Global Healing are using the cutting-edge science of these unique organisms to supercharge their probiotic formulas. They are tiny organisms that make your probiotic stronger and more effective. One of the most exciting uses for bacteriophages has to do with gut health.[1, 2] They boost the good […]

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Your colon has a hefty job: it absorbs all the vital nutrients and vitamins in your food and flushes your body of toxins. Why not give it a helping hand? With Global Healing’s simple six-day Colon Cleanse Program™, you can activate your body’s self-healing capabilities and set your body and mind on the path to great health. Here’s how it works: You’ll eat nothing but raw fruit for six days, while taking our oxygen-based colon cleanse product, Oxy-Powder®, along with our cleanse-promoting transient probiotic, Latero-Flora™. This promotes healthy bacteria in […]

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