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A blemish on the tip of your nose, voluminous flatulence, and bad breath. What do they all have in common? They are all concerns that can affect your life- personally, professionally, and romantically. We're not going to cover skin care or healthy digestion in this article, but we are going to talk about bad breath, otherwise known as halitosis. Halitosis is any foul odor that emanates from the mouth. Halitosis can be caused by poor gum health, the food you eat, or the volatile sulphur compounds and other elements you're […]

Think about what you ate yesterday - breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and the snacks in between and everything you drank. Imagine if all that was blended up, left in the hot sun, and had a bacteria added for good measure. What do you think it'd smell like tomorrow? Horrible. That's essentially what happens in your mouth if you're not regularly cleaning it and taking the steps necessary to promote the oral health necessary to have fresh breath. Here are three of the most important practices to implement in your life […]

Bad breath can negatively impact your life, as well as those around you. It can isolate and make you feel self-conscious, and that's assuming you’re even aware of it! Friends and colleagues may keep their distance if your bad breath is a chronic concern and you may never even realize how much it impacts your relationships and opportunities. [1] However, knowledge is power. Being armed with the following 10 facts about bad breath is one step closer to never falling prey to bad breath, and living a more rich and […]

We've all experienced the horror of being in close confines with a friend or coworker who has unpleasant, bad breath. There's no mistaking the effects of that noxious pollution. The watery eyes, the gagging, the singed nasal hairs - it's a tremendously miserable experience. According to the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, over half of all Americans have been concerned at some point in their lives that their own bad breath might be the cause of such an experience. [1] (more…)

Bad breath plagues everyone at some time or another. If you are aware of it, hopefully you try to get rid of it, or at least try to hide it. If you are not aware of it, you may be wondering why people keep their distance. Regardless, everyone needs to be aware that it's a potential reality and understand the causes of bad breath to better defend against it, gain confidence, and enjoy more pleasant conversations. (more…)

Women's Health