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Silica, also known as silicon dioxide or SiO2, is a colorless, white, chemical compound. Silica is made of the most common elements on earth, silicon (Si) and oxygen (O2). It’s also the most abundant compound in the earth's crust, where it makes up 59% of the total composition.[1] Silica is used everywhere, from industrial applications to the food and beverage industry.[2] You’ll find silica in a lot of places — food, rocks, plants, medicine, cosmetics, toothpaste, and those little dry gel packs that are packed in with product packaging to […]

For their role in heart and cardiovascular health, walnuts have received a great deal of attention in recent years. However, they aren’t the only healthy nut option around. When it comes to nutrition, pecans can go toe-to-toe with walnuts in the way they protect the heart and mind, support weight loss, and promote weight management. In fact, pecans may even have the edge over walnuts as the healthier nut... (more…)

A vegan lifestyle can offer much in the way of health benefits, but it’s not without its challenges. A common concern for many vegans is incorporating a sufficient amount of protein and healthy fats into their diet. Many nuts are able to deliver that much-needed protein, but when it comes to a snack, I always recommend pecans. They make a nutritious, gluten free, vegan-friendly snack that will fill you up and provide an entire host of health benefits too. (more…)

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