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When it comes to the cooking oil in your cupboard, plant-based oils made from fruit, seeds, nuts, and grains are the way to go. They are a healthier choice than animal fats which have all the health disadvantages of meat. From familiar olive oil to exotic macadamia oil, plant-based oils can be rich and flavorful or light and neutral. You can use them for sautéing, frying, baking, roasting, and drizzling on salad. However, not all cooking oils are created equal. They all offer different benefits (or detractions) to your health. […]

At Global Healing, we believe the foundation for health and wellness is a whole food, plant-based diet, with fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains that come directly from nature. After twenty years in the natural health industry, I know that following a plant-based diet that's free of processed and packaged foods — and adding in exercise and a positive attitude — will bring you the best results for your health and happiness.[1] As the famous Greek philosopher Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." (more…)

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When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, not all carbs are created equal. The low-glycemic diet is based on a simple premise: avoid "bad" carbohydrate foods, which are those with a high number on the glycemic index (GI) scale while enjoying good carbs, fats, and proteins.[1] High-GI foods are typically sugary, processed, or low-fiber carbohydrates that your body digests quickly, sending your blood sugar levels skyrocketing. You may have heard the glycemic index mentioned in popular diet books and plans, and for good reason; understanding the glycemic index and […]

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