Take charge of your health journey with effortless replenishment - Autoship Today

Have you ever felt head fog while using your laptop or cell phone? Did getting up and getting away from it for a few minutes provide much needed clarity? It may be as simple as needing a break… or you may have felt a sensitivity to electronic or magnetic fields. Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) and radio frequencies (RF) surround and bombard us every day. WiFi, cell phones, laptops... I'm no technophobe but technology is the culprit here. Now, you could dump all your technology and, believe it or not, many people […]

The holiday season is here! If you're like most people, you probably waited until the last minute to buy that perfect gift for your loved ones. Below is a few of my favorite "Green Living" Books that I believe will make great Christmas gifts. Best Green Living Books 1. Green Lighting Written By: Brian Clark Howard, Bill Brinsky & Seth Leitman This is a must-have book for anybody looking to upgrade the lights around their home or work. Whether you want to switch to LED's, CFL's or make the switch […]

A bottle of Kava Calm