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Goldthread, also known as coptis or canker root, is a genus of perennial herbs that have been part of Asian and North American traditional medicine for hundreds of years. The roots of the plant look like a tangled mass of gold thread, hence its name. Herbal goldthread is actually the powdered rhizome, or underground stem, of the goldthread plant. (more…)

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Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) comes from the elder tree, which is native to Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. A related species called American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis) grows across the United States and Canada. Many cultures have appreciated and relied on both elder trees for everything from musical instruments to food and medicine. In medieval Europe, the elder tree was revered as holy and reputed to have health-preserving and restorative properties.[1] For centuries, herbal remedies in the form of teas, poultices, creams, and salves have all been produced from the […]

Gut health is a topic that's getting a lot of press lately and I think it’s about time. It's an understatement to say the importance of gut health is undervalued. The digestive system is where nutrients are absorbed and is the basis of a healthy body. If your digestive system is inefficient or your gut environment isn’t balanced, you might not get the most nutritional value from your food. (more…)

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In China, jiaogulan, or Gynostemma pentaphyllum, is referred to as the “immortality” herb. Elsewhere, jiaogulan is called southern ginseng (despite not being related to the ginsengs of the Panax family). It gets its name, however, because it shares similar adaptogenic and antioxidant properties as ginseng. Some research even suggests jiaogulan may be more powerful. (more…)

Many people associate ginseng with regions in Asia, but there are actually several types of ginseng and a few of them grow in other areas of the world. One of my favorites, Panax quinquefolius, also known as American ginseng, has actually been enjoyed by Native Americans for centuries as a way to support energy, fertility, and digestion. The long, solid track record has prompted many people to add a ginseng supplement to their diet. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm