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According to guidelines set by the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines, nearly half of American adults have high blood pressure.[1] If you don’t have high blood pressure yourself, chances are you know someone who does. Being aware of high blood pressure and hypertension is critical. When left undiagnosed, it can lead to heart attack, stroke, or other dangerous health conditions. The first step towards preventing or mitigating the risks of high blood pressure is recognizing the issue. While it is often […]

Cayenne peppers have long been held in high regard for their powerful health-boosting properties. Popular cleanses, like the Master Cleanse, use cayenne because it contains naturally-occurring compounds, like capsaicin, which help cleanse and detox the body at a cellular level. These cleansing effects can have a significant impact on your entire body, promoting a healthy heart, weight, and gut. Sustaining overall health is where the actual cleansing benefits of cayenne lie, helping you live healthy, longer! Here are the top benefits of cayenne. Cayenne Pepper Cleanses the Body Cayenne is […]

The negative health effects of BPA exposure have become regular headlines in the news. BPA, or bisphenol-A, is a chemical found in many common products, from cans and dental fillings to cash register receipts. Unfortunately, its exposure is associated with a range of health concerns including diabetes, cancer, and obesity. Now, new research has linked it to high blood pressure. (more…)

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Nuts are an amazing, convenient source of essential fatty acids and proteins. They also hold an equally enjoyable handful of benefits for people with abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar. The Research Findings presented by medical researchers with the University of Toronto Department of Nutritional Sciences, and St. Michael’s Hospital, suggest that if eaten daily, a small amount of tree nuts could ward-off certain serious health conditions, including type 2 diabetes [1]. By investigating the effects of a relatively nut-rich diet in patients who have type 2 […]

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