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If you’re seeking enlightenment through meditation, or perhaps you’re just looking to obtain a good night’s rest, you need a healthy pineal gland. Often referred to as the third eye, this small, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ located in the brain secretes and regulates melatonin, the hormone that regulates your circadian rhythms (your sleep-wake cycle) and certain sex hormones. (more…)

Many people imagine meditation as a deep and complicated spiritual practice involving incomprehensible mantras and unobtainable seating postures. The reality is that anyone can practice meditation, nearly immediately, and it can be done in a variety of ways. Simply put, meditation is the suspension of linear thought and the connection to a deeper level of consciousness that dwells beneath the surface of the mind, also known as the subconscious mind or soul. Meditation History Meditation has been a part of human life from the very beginning of our culture. It […]

Women's Health