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Did you know lithium is a naturally occurring mineral — an alkali metal — found all over the earth? The name lithium derives from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone. Traces of lithium exist in granite rock around the world, as well as in soil and water. Lithium is so plentiful in our environment that even your food contains trace amounts. Like calcium and potassium, your body requires lithium to function properly. While high doses of lithium may have some associations with mental conditions, the fact is, lithium is a […]

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When you hear the word 'lithium', what do you think of? Maybe it reminds you of a Nirvana song. Or perhaps you know lithium as one of three elements that comprised the universe when it first formed billions of years ago. Lithium, a trace mineral your body requires, is all these things and so much more. Fun fact: the original recipe for the citrus soft drink 7-Up included lithium. When it first came out, the company called it “Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda" (a mouthful!) and it went on sale two […]

Roughly one in three adults in the United States do not get enough sleep.[1] That means that 33 percent of adults are regularly getting less than seven hours of shut-eye each night. Getting enough sleep is important to virtually every aspect of your health, from brain health to immune system function to body metabolism. Scientists believe that your nightly rest even clears "cobwebs" in the brain — metaphorically, of course — by removing toxic waste byproducts.[2] Word to the wise: get enough sleep if you want to think clearly and […]

A bottle of Kava Calm