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Your kidneys are among the most important organs in your body. They work hard every day detoxifying the blood and sending waste toxins out through the urinary system. Kidneys also balance electrolytes, regulate minerals, like calcium, and help maintain a healthy blood pressure. With all this work to do and with so many chemicals in our environment, it’s not surprising that one in three Americans is at risk of developing kidney disease in their lifetime or that 10 percent of Americans will develop painful kidney stones. Supporting your kidneys with […]

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Potassium Iodide is a white, odorless chemical compound made up of 76% iodine and 23% potassium. You might also see it represented by its chemical formula, KI: K for potassium and I for iodine. As a supplement, KI exists in tablet or liquid form. Potassium iodide’s most well-known use is in radiation emergencies when it’s taken to flood out the radioactive iodine with a stable, safe iodine form. Healthcare providers also use potassium iodine during surgeries or as a topical skin treatment, and individuals may use it as a nutritional […]

Your colon has a hefty job: it absorbs all the vital nutrients and vitamins in your food and flushes your body of toxins. Why not give it a helping hand? With Global Healing’s simple six-day Colon Cleanse Program™, you can activate your body’s self-healing capabilities and set your body and mind on the path to great health. Here’s how it works: You’ll eat nothing but raw fruit for six days, while taking our oxygen-based colon cleanse product, Oxy-Powder®, along with our cleanse-promoting transient probiotic, Latero-Flora™. This promotes healthy bacteria in […]

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The liver is the detoxification hub of your body. It works with your digestive tract, gallbladder, and pancreas to process everything you eat and drink, from almonds to zucchini — plus the occasional donut. But sometimes, toxins or disease damage the liver. Among other issues, this can cause elevated liver enzymes to course through your veins. What exactly is a liver enzyme, and what does it mean when they are higher than “normal”? Read on to learn more about how to lower liver enzymes naturally and what they mean for […]

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Occasional constipation happens. And it happens to a lot of people, a lot of the time. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, every year, over 2.5 million people visit their doctor for constipation.[1] If you’re one of them, you may want to know how to deal with this uncomfortable situation. Eating a nutritious diet, staying hydrated, and living a healthy lifestyle should be enough to keep things moving. But when that isn’t quite enough, many people look for something that can help them go. People in the United States […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm