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Summer is prime time for enjoying the outdoors. But more often than not, there's a dark cloud hanging over that backyard barbecue: bugs – and especially mosquitoes. These blood-seeking fun busters expertly follow their senses right to your skin. But if you can repel them with one quick application of bug spray, then what's the concern? It turns out that many old-fashioned bug sprays contain neurotoxic ingredients that may increase cancer risk. But, worry not – there are plenty of nontoxic essential oil blends that repel the bugs, without the […]

The body needs cholesterol to make hormones and vitamins and to digest food. But too much of this waxy substance — particularly the "bad" LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol — can attach to the walls of arteries and limit or block the flow of blood, eventually causing heart disease. "Good" HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol carries LDL cholesterol from the body to the liver, which eliminates it from the body. (more…)

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There are many sources of stress in life, some overt, some less obvious. One type of stress that doesn't get a lot of attention but has a big effect on our health is the stress associated with our environment. Some environments are very low stress – like getting out in nature. Other environments, like a loud, noisy industrial factory, wear on us much differently. If you're trying to live a healthy life, you need to consider all the inputs, including how your environment affects you. Here, we’ll take a look […]

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Iodine is an essential nutrient, meaning that the human body requires it for many of the body's functions but cannot synthesize it on its own. Without enough iodine, the thyroid gland cannot produce the thyroid hormones that regulate growth, metabolism and other important processes in the body. When that happens, energy levels plummet, hormones become imbalanced, and physical and emotional states are affected. Here we’ll take a closer look at everything you should know about iodine and its special relationship with the thyroid. (more…)

Appreciation for the role probiotic bacteria play in promoting good health has reached the mainstream, and more people than ever before are taking notice. Whether they’re reaching for yogurt or kombucha or taking a probiotic supplement, it’s common knowledge that probiotics offer huge health benefits. Not only are probiotics helpful for promoting healthy digestion, but research shows these beneficial microbes offer specific health benefits for women. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm