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Why can’t I recall her name? Where is my cell phone? I just had it! What was I supposed to buy at the grocery store? When older adults notice their memory slipping, it’s natural to feel frustrated or nervous. You may even wonder: Am I getting dementia? The truth is that while some memory loss and cognitive decline are part of your body’s natural aging process, you also can take simple steps to keep your mind sharp — no matter your age. Nearly every aspect of your lifestyle — including […]

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Like any part of your body, the brain can become stressed and unwell. It can also stay healthy, sharp, and clear. Your brain is an incredible machine if you think about it. That 3-pound organ contains billions of cells with trillions of connections — creating your thoughts, impulses, memories, and movements. If you nurture your brain for mental clarity, you can keep a clear, active mind. Simple exercises can help. Certain herbs can pep up your brain, as well. This article will show you how to create better concentration, clear […]

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Are there healthy ways to whiten your teeth? You bet there are! For a more natural alternative to over-the-counter or dental teeth whitening, consider using turmeric! The vibrant orange-yellow hue of the spice turmeric can liven up curries and stews, but did you know it can also make your teeth whiter? Turmeric teeth whitening preparations are becoming more and more popular. Turmeric’s yellow color comes from the curcumin inside the root. People use turmeric for a variety of health and wellness purposes — including whitening teeth. Who knew? Nobody has […]

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A natural oil that has many benefits and some controversies? CBD is a trending product that you can find in many different markets. Now, you can find CBD in gummies, tinctures, baked goods, and even beauty products! Watch my video or read the transcription below to learn what CBD is and how it can help you. What Is CBD Oil? | Top Benefits ExplainedLength: 5 minutes What Is CBD? Basically, CBD is a plant compound. It's a phytochemical called cannabidiol, which is actually a phytocannabinoid discovered in 1940. It's one […]

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Around 120 B.C., a Roman shipping vessel sank off the coast of Tuscany. Two millennia later, archeologists dug up the shipwreck. The most surprising find? The team uncovered a 2,000-year-old cabinet containing undamaged tablets made of zinc compounds![1] They believed the Romans used zinc to ward off infection and stay healthy at sea. Today, zinc continues to be an essential mineral used to support healthy eyes, skin, and hair. But that’s not all. Today, we know that zinc strengthens the immune system, promotes hormonal balance, boosts energy levels, and protects […]

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A bottle of Kava Calm