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Regardless of your age, acne is a major inconvenience to say the least. Pinpointing the exact cause — and figuring out how to fix it — can be difficult. To complicate the situation, there are many alleged home remedies for adult acne, including cleansing, face oils, and masks. Which approach is the most effective? And which is the most in line with a natural, healthy lifestyle? If you want to learn the top remedies for adult acne, either watch my video or read the full transcription below! How to Get […]

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Located just below the liver, the gallbladder plays an important role in the digestive system. Its main role is to store and recycle bile, which breaks down the fats in the food we eat. However, the gallbladder also communicates with other organs to perform key digestive functions such as waste elimination and enzyme production. One of the best ways to promote optimal wellness is by making a gallbladder and liver flush part of your healthy lifestyle. Many adults over 40 have issues with cholesterol or follow a poor diet and, […]

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Constipation causes discomfort and it can lead to embarrassing gas and uncomfortable bloating. Laxatives, which help evacuate stool from the bowels, are the go-to solution for most people dealing with constipation. Effective as that may be, some laxatives have mild to severe side effects, especially with long-term use. Side effects range from diarrhea, cramping, and rectal irritation to confusion and heart palpitations. (more…)

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If you frequently experience gas, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea or constipation, you might brush off your symptoms or blame it on something you ate. But if those symptoms linger, you might consider whether you have a more serious health condition. When dealing with gastrointestinal symptoms, people often consider irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut syndrome, or candida yeast overgrowth. But, researchers have uncovered another sneaky condition that can cause gastrointestinal (GI) distress: small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO. Experts say that the number of people diagnosed with SIBO is […]

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Your poop is an important indicator of how your body is running and your current health status. While using the appearance of your poop to gauge your wellness may seem strange to some, it is a medically proven way to detect an imbalance in your gut and disruptions to your digestive health. If you want to measure your health by your poop, then the Bristol Stool Scale is one of the best tools to use. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm