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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a versatile, eco-friendly substance that could clean everything from your teeth to your oven safely and effectively? That could gently soothe your skin and freshen the air in your home? Well, this amazing substance exists, and you probably have a box of it in your kitchen cabinet right now. It’s baking soda, and it has an incredible variety of personal and household uses. Why Use Baking Soda? Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is an odorless, crystalline powder with alkalinizing and electrolyte-replacing […]

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Poison ivy rash occurs when the plant toxin, urushiol (one of the deadliest natural poisons on the planet) comes into contact with human skin. It is a condition characterized by swelling, blisters, pain and an amazing amount of itching. Besides intense itching and pain, the effects of rubbing up against this poisonous plant may also manifest as red bumps, intense sensations of burning and irritation, as well as fever. The appearance of the symptoms can be between anywhere from a few hours to seven or ten days after the original […]

Women's Health