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Most homes in the United States have a microwave oven, the last couple of generations are more likely to have grown up with one than not. The popularity of microwaves makes sense, they offer a fast way to prepare and reheat food and have been somewhat of a kitchen revolution rivaling the introduction of the food processor. [1] (more…)

The American Cancer Society defines breast cancer as a "malignant tumor that starts from the cells of the breast." The breast is made up of milk glands and fatty tissues, and cancer can occur in any of these tissues. Cells in our bodies are constantly reproducing, and when they start to reproduce at an abnormal rate, they cause a tumor to form. If cells from a malignant tumor enter the lymphatic system they can infect other tissues, this is termed as metastasizing. (more…)

Wi-Fi is convenient but many have raised doubts concerning the safety of unseen forces that permeate everything around us. Since the introduction of Wi-Fi in 1997, researchers have performed dozens of studies to explore the subject. The results are clear and shocking — Wifi can negatively affect overall health and brain health, especially in children. Perhaps most shocking is that this information is not new or even that controversial. In fact, in 2008 the well-renowned publication Scientific American ran a piece called “Mind Control by Cell Phone” which explained the […]

There are 190,000 cell phone towers in the US, and new evidence suggests that exposure to these towers may alter brain function. The study, recently published in the British Medical Journal, found that EMF pollution can cause irritability, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, and a lack of appetite, and the severity of these symptoms directly correlated to exposure. That means that people living in urban areas with multiple cell phone towers in their radius are at a greater risk for negative mental effects than those in suburban or rural areas. [1] (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm