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The glycemic index (GI) is a way to measure the impact that carbohydrate-containing foods have on blood sugar, or blood glucose.[1] People are interested in understanding the glycemic index (and the glycemic load) of food so they can construct a healthier diet. Blood sugar affects many aspects of health, including the risk of getting cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, so watching the GI of foods in your diet can improve your overall health prospects. (more…)

When it comes to maintaining a healthy weight, not all carbs are created equal. The low-glycemic diet is based on a simple premise: avoid "bad" carbohydrate foods, which are those with a high number on the glycemic index (GI) scale while enjoying good carbs, fats, and proteins.[1] High-GI foods are typically sugary, processed, or low-fiber carbohydrates that your body digests quickly, sending your blood sugar levels skyrocketing. You may have heard the glycemic index mentioned in popular diet books and plans, and for good reason; understanding the glycemic index and […]

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While some people jokingly refer to themselves as sugar addicts, the truth is no laughing matter. Refined sugar causes real, clinically verifiable addictive patterns in your brain and ruinous effects on your body. The average American consumes between 22 and 30 teaspoons of added sugar every day.[1] That’s sugar that you could easily cut from your diet entirely by making intelligent dietary decisions — or you could if sugar didn’t have you hooked. A sugar detox is a way to break the hold sugar has over you. (more…)

Most health authorities define constipation as having fewer than three bowel movements in a week. In my experience as a health care professional, I believe this to be a gross underestimate and a telling indication of just how unhealthy the average American diet has become. You should have a minimum of two bowel movements every day. A healthy bowel movement should be soft, smooth, and easy to pass. If you have fewer than two per day, or if you find yourself straining, then you are likely constipated. (more…)

Most of us recognize that sugar does not promote good health. In fact, most people know that sugar is unhealthy, but not everyone understands the full extent of its unhealthiness. Refined sugar, such as high fructose corn syrup, is nothing but empty calories and it's highly addictive; artificial sweeteners like aspartame are even worse. Sugar is added to many food products, and it's almost impossible to escape. (more…)

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