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If you're looking to shed pounds, success depends on what you put on your plate. The best foods for weight loss are often the simplest choices you can make: whole, nutrient-rich foods that you can feel good about eating. On your next trip to the grocery store, or while you plan your weekly meals, include the following healthy choices in your repertoire. Whether you struggle with extra pounds or you're a parent helping your kids eat better, these weight-loss foods can be your friend. Not only will they help trim […]

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A popular form of fasting, the 5:2 diet involves eating five days per week — ideally, in a healthy manner, and fasting for two. Don't stress when you hear the word fast! You may not even experience hunger. But does the 5:2 Diet work? Yes, it does! The 5:2 plan — sometimes called the fast diet — offers you the impressive, time-tested health benefits of fasting: sustained weight loss, lower blood pressure, better-balanced blood sugar, and a boost in heart and brain health. The 5:2 fasting diet also offers a […]

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You may have heard of gluten — and the dietary concerns it causes — but have you heard of lectin? Known as an "antinutrient," lectin is a type of plant-based protein commonly found in seeds, grains, legumes, and tubers, like potatoes. As an antinutrient, lectins may prevent your body from absorbing essential vitamins and minerals — but that's not all. (more…)

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When you think of inflammation, you probably picture the rash you get from poison ivy or a bump that swells up when you hit your head. There's another silent form of inflammation that occurs within your body, and it does not usually come with any painful symptoms — but it can seriously impact your health. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and diabetes are all linked to this type of constant, low-level inflammation. The good news? You can influence your body's background levels of inflammation by eating specific […]

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At Global Healing, we believe the foundation for health and wellness is a whole food, plant-based diet, with fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and grains that come directly from nature. After twenty years in the natural health industry, I know that following a plant-based diet that's free of processed and packaged foods — and adding in exercise and a positive attitude — will bring you the best results for your health and happiness.[1] As the famous Greek philosopher Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." (more…)

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A bottle of Kava Calm