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Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is the unassuming powerhouse of herbal medicine. Often mischaracterized as a weed, dandelion (the leaf in particular) is packed with beneficial nutrients that allow it to make substantial, positive contributions toward supporting good health. In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion is used to encourage liver health, nourish bones and joints, and support the body’s normal detoxification routes. The plant is easy to grow, easy to use, and its many positive attributes might surprise you. Nutrients in Dandelion Leaf Whether you add them to a leafy green salad or […]

The aloe vera plant has become incredibly popular. Traditionally, aloe is known for its topical benefits, including wound healing and keeping skin moisturized and protected.[1] Aloe vera is used in numerous beauty products as an additive for its vitamin and acemannan content. Because of its nutritional properties, this plant is a living superfood. It’s a very easy plant to care for, making it a staple in many homes. These succulent plants are known for their ability to thrive under virtually any conditions, as they grow equally well indoors and outdoors […]

Papain is a powerful digestive enzyme commonly found and extracted not only from the papaya fruit (Carica papaya) latex but also from papaya leaves and stems. It is also referred to as papaya proteinase. The papaya enzyme papain plays a key role in digestive processes involving breaking down tough protein fibers. For this reason, it has been commonly used in its native South America for digestive support when eating meat and even to tenderize meat before cooking. (more…)

Seeds can be a fantastic source of nutrition and pumpkin seeds are among the best. The pumpkin is a member of the squash family and it's native to North and Central America. Its seeds have been used by Native Americans for centuries to support urinary and digestive health. Just a single serving provides highly nutritious and necessary minerals such as magnesium, zinc, potassium, and iron. As an added bonus, pumpkin seeds are packed with potent antioxidants. (more…)

Beloved by the Incas, lucuma is a super nutritious Peruvian fruit that contains beta carotene, iron, zinc, vitamin B3, calcium, and protein. Its maple-like taste makes it a sweet addition to smoothies, baked goods, and even ice cream. Viewed as a symbol of fertility and creation, lucuma was called the “Gold of the Incas” and was used for a variety of applications. Recent research shows that lucuma may be helpful for supporting skin health, blood sugar, and even cardiovascular health. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm