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Finding the right nutritional supplements to support your thyroid can be a challenge. The concern isn’t a lack of products — quite the opposite. If you search for thyroid supplements, you’ll be inundated with dozens of companies marketing all sorts of pills and potions alleged to support the thyroid. In the sea of brands, options, promises, and claims, how do you know what to choose? (more…)

Located just below the voice box, the thyroid gland is part of the endocrine system and has a significant influence on many of the body’s most essential processes. Regulation of growth, body temperature, metabolism, and physical development are all driven by the thyroid gland.[1] Normal thyroid function is dependent on a number of factors, including nutrition and abstaining from exposure to certain environmental toxins. (more…)

Thyroid hormones are chemical substances, made in and secreted by the thyroid gland. They are essential for normal metabolism and development. There are three types of thyroid hormones — thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and calcitonin. (more…)

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Kelp Supports A Healthy Metabolism Kelp is a form of seaweed found in shallow ocean waters and forms thick colonies that could almost be described as an “underwater forest.” If you’ve ever gone for a morning run on the beach, you may have seen it washed ashore, often attracting flies. For most people, this scene is enough to discourage the idea of eating seaweed. However, kelp is a natural super food loaded with trace minerals, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. (more…)

A bottle of Kava Calm