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I was in an important meeting at work and suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to go to the bathroom — despite using it an hour ago. I rushed out of the room and frantically searched for the closest bathroom. The full and uncomfortable feeling in my bladder couldn't wait for the meeting to end! Let me tell you — if you have regularly experienced the sudden need to urinate, you're not alone. Frequent urination in women has unique symptoms, so understanding the causes — and solutions — can help. Causes […]

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If you get a burning sensation when you're urinating, it could signal a urinary tract infection (UTI). "Feeling the burn" is a good thing when you're lifting weights or on a long run, but not when you have a UTI. In addition to traditional treatments, many UTI home remedies — like taking probiotics, drinking plenty of water, and drinking cranberry juice — may help. Better yet, these home remedies may prevent you from getting UTIs in the first place! UTIs are one of the most common health complaints, responsible for […]

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"Peeing in a cup" is often one of the first tests your healthcare provider gives you, and it has long been a helpful diagnostic tool.[1] Sometimes just looking in the toilet can tell you a lot! People use the Bristol poop scale to diagnose issues with digestion, among other things, but you can also analyze your urine color to gain insight into your health — especially your level of hydration. Urine carries metabolic waste out of your system. It typically contains nitrogenous (nitrogen-based) compounds and gets filtered through the kidneys. […]

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Appreciation for the role probiotic bacteria play in promoting good health has reached the mainstream, and more people than ever before are taking notice. Whether they’re reaching for yogurt or kombucha or taking a probiotic supplement, it’s common knowledge that probiotics offer huge health benefits. Not only are probiotics helpful for promoting healthy digestion, but research shows these beneficial microbes offer specific health benefits for women. (more…)

Harmful organisms are abundant in the environment, and your colon provides the ideal environment to host these dangerous organisms. There are so many varieties of bacteria and worms and viruses that it's impossible to avoid all of them. Still, you can take measures to reduce your risks. From basic hygiene to lifestyle changes, simple practices can help protect yourself and your family. (more…)

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