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The health benefits of iodine have been known for years. But where does a person start? Is all iodine the same? What does it even do? Whether you regularly supplement with iodine or have yet to begin, this webinar is for you. Dr. Group, DC will explain exactly what iodine is, why it's essential for good health, and how to enjoy its benefits immediately. In this webinar, you'll learn... The relationship between iodine and the thyroid gland Why iodine is necessary for a healthy metabolism and hormone levels The importance […]

Hormones have a tremendous amount of influence on the way our bodies work – both women AND men. Hormonal imbalance affects mental health, metabolism, sleep cycles, sex drive, and much, much more. In this webinar, you can learn about the science of hormones, why hormonal balance is important, and what you can do about it. This is information everyone needs to hear, both women and men. We'll cover new, groundbreaking information and you'll leave with a strategy to promote balance in your life, immediately. You'll learn… (more…)

Everything You Need to Know About Vitamin B12Length: 51 minutes TLDR? Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common concern worldwide.[1] This deficiency is linked to low energy and poor health. If you’re in the market for an excellent B12 supplement, I highly recommend Global Healing’s own Vitamin B12. This supplement is made from 100% vegan sources and contains the most bioactive forms of B12. Want to know more? Watch the video or read below! Video Transcript Hi everyone. I'm Dr. Group, DC with Global Healing, and today I'm going to talk […]

It's always important to take care of your body, but that's even more true as we get older. Age influences the way our bodies work, and this applies to both women and men. Age can affect mental health, metabolism, sleep cycles, sex drive, and much more. I hosted this webinar to cover natural anti-aging solutions. It will teach you about the science of aging and the best natural solutions to deal with its effects. This is a life lesson that everyone should hear. Learn new, groundbreaking information and get practical […]

A bottle of Kava Calm